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Your options at different ages and stages

It’s good to be prepared so here are a few things to start thinking about

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    Our dedicated member news and updates can help you get to grips with your savings for the future and understand your choices.

Start preparing for the future

There are different options open to you depending on your age and what you want to start taking. And even if you’re not able to start taking your benefits yet, there are things you can do to prepare yourself for your future.

If you’ve already stopped paying in to USS and want to know what your options are, take a look at leaving or already left.

You can also watch our short video on your options at retirement, including how you can take your benefits or savings.

Visit My USS to see what you’ve built up and use our Benefit Calculator to estimate the value of your benefits when you retire.

What is flexible retirement?

It allows you to take up to 80% of your benefits whilst continuing to work, as long as you drop your hours and salary by at least 20%. Each time you take part of your pension, it’s known as a flex. It means you can ease yourself into retirement – and still carry on building for the future.

The earliest you can flexibly retire is age 55 (rising to 57 in 2028) – but you must have been building your USS pension for at least two years. Your pension may be reduced to make up for it being paid out before the Normal Pension Age (NPA).

Got a question about flexible retirement? View our FAQs.

Need some advice or guidance

If you want to seek guidance or take financial advice on the options available to you, visit the guidance and financial advice page. You’ll find a range of resources to support your planning and you can also find information on how to access an independent financial adviser.

For important information on this guidance please see our key names and important information page.